Tony’s Chocolonely’s Equality Mission at Home of Feast

Tony Chocolonely and its Equality Mission at Home of Feast. If you’ve ever visited our Feast store, you have more than likely seen the selection of ‘Tony Chocolonely’ bars on display. We love this product. You may too, but we think you should know more about the company.

Tony's Chocolonely's Equality Mission at Home of Feast

Authorities in Cocoa producing countries have turned a blind eye to the inequality seen within the industry. November 2005, saw the creation of Tony’s Chocolonely. A company, dedicated to battling the child labour, or modern slavery seen as a result of such inequality. We have decided to sell this product for simple reasons.

We want Feast to become a player in raising awareness of inequality in cases such as this, but also for other issues seen across the globe. But we need you to help us with this!

As we have mentioned, we see inequality in cocoa producing countries. This is caused due to a middleman. They profit by keeping cocoa prices low. This leads to awful consequences. Tony’s site provides us with some staggering statistics. 2.5 million farms in Ghana & Ivory Coast produce more than 60% of all cocoa worldwide.” However, “… 1.56 million children work under illegal conditions to help support family.” As well as 30,000 being a part of modern slavery. We can’t believe this exploitation is being overlooked. We believe it is our job to change this.

Tony's Chocolonely's Equality Mission at Home of Feast

Tony’s has been battling this issue for over a decade. They create awareness, inspire actions, and lead by example. They have close relationships with all players, in every sector of the industry. From teaching the farmers agriculture, to economics. Working with authorities, from both ends of production. Encouraging consumers to pressurize chocolate companies. These are just a few examples of how Tony’s has battled inequality. This has resulted in no recent cases of modern slavery within their farmer cooperatives. We all play a part to ending this though.

Tony's Chocolonely's Equality Mission at Home of Feast

We are a proud seller of Tony’s Chocolonely. Recently we have expanded our stock with more Tony’s flavours. At Feast, you can now find Dark Chocolate Almond, and a new 70%, Vegan dark chocolate option, amongst our other flavours. But what can you do? It’s simple! Every bar you buy goes towards solving the issue of inequality. We understand that you individually, can feel helpless. But us, as a local, collective community can make a change.

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