Happi Chocolate at Home of Feast

Happi chocolate at Feast. We recently wrote a blog about Tony’s chocolate. Well, now we are introducing another wonderful chocolate company. Happi Free From oat milk chocolate.

We discovered Happi at the beginning of their journey and their credentials fit right in at Feast. The chocolate is made from Oat Milk, is Dairy, Gluten, Soya free and organic! We want to be able to bring great tasting produce to everyone so if you can’t eat other chocolates for certain reasons, or maybe you just choose to follow a different diet, for whatever reason. We have tried all the flavours and they are all amazing. So please come and visit us at Feast at Home to enjoy this lovely product!

The way this chocolate is made also brings other benefits. We love to indulge in a choccy treat as much as the next person here at Feast but with this product, we don’t feel quite as guilty. Happi chocolate is made from 47% Cocoa. Because of this, the final product has a significant 35% less sugar than other certain leading chocolate brands. Benefits like these are why we love supplying organic produce to you!

Happi Chocolate Benefits All Parties

Organic food actually benefits all parties. From us enjoying their lovely chocolate, all the way to the farmers who grow the Cocoa. Happi directly sources their Cocoa from the Colombian company Luker Chocolate. These are a local Colombian manufacturer and supplier of Single Origin Cacao Fino de Aroma. What they, and Happi ensure is that from this farm-to-bar method, they know exactly where the Cocoa is coming from and is 100% slave, and child labour free!

We love it when a business holds the same values as we do. Another one of these messages Happi holds is to be waste free. All of their packaging is fully sustainable, and can be either fully recycled, or composted. Our original business message has always been to aim to be waste free. So, this is ideal for us at Home of Feast as we can all dispose of the packaging and feel comfortable in doing so.

Another wonderful thing we thought was worth mentioning is Happi’s pledge to donate 1% of their annual profits to charitable causes, and mental health organisations. A very generous gesture and compliments our charity Mind.

This all fits into the bigger picture we see at Feast. Like Happi, we want to be more than just a business. We want to be active in helping others, in both local, and more widespread communities. Products like this are perfect for both raising awareness on serious subjects across the world. As well as this they are beneficial to our own community, bringing healthier, and more sustainable options to you!

If you want to learn more about the Happi Chocolate products, Click the link here!

Maybe you’re interested in Luker Chocolate? Follow the link to learn about them!

Or if you want support us here at Home of Feast, Click here!

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