The Mayor Bear pays a visit to the Home of Feast

Congleton Mayor Bear paid a visit to the Home of Feast this week. We were delighted to welcome Congleton’s very own Mayor Sally-Ann Holland to our little corner of Congleton on Wednesday. We have been open for nearly three weeks now, and the support we have received has been amazing. We are truly grateful to everyone who has come to see us.

Mayor Bear Visits the Home of Feast

Congleton’s Mayor Bear is now part of Congleton folk law. Having spent the last 12 months working tirelessly to supporting local businesses, events and charities. If you follow his Facebook page (if you don’t, click here to visit his page and make sure you LIKE and SHARE his page) his knowledge of the town and its history is amazing. The Mayor Bear initiative started at the home of Mayor Sally-Ann Holland as part of her second term as Congleton Mayor. To raise the profile of Congleton and its wonderful residents, businesses and charitable organisations.

During the visit we made sure we took time to show Mayor Bear around our refill store and dining venue.

The concept of the Home of Feast Store started a few years ago. We both found it increasingly frustrating having to buy produce in plastic packaging and in quantities that would eventually end up being thrown away.

Our well stocked store enables you to buy herbs, spices, pasta’s, different types of flour, as well as the new additions of …. ‘things covered in chocolate’. But importantly, you can buy as much or as little as you want or need. We are very mindful of everything we buy from suppliers and the packaging it arrives in. So not only do we promote people to bring their own containers (if you don’t have any containers, we do offer brown paper bags for your purchases), but we also try to select suppliers that are environmentally conscious.

As you can imagine though, this is a tough challenge. Everyone has to start somewhere, and we hope that the Home of Feast Store offers people a chance to get started in fighting for a better way to shop and promoting a cleaner environment.

We then took the Mayor Bear to see our dining venue.

Over the past 3 weeks we have announced 7 events. All of which have sold out. We are now finalising more dates for November and December including, Sunday Brunch, Supper Clubs (the odd ‘secret’ supper club), Feast at Home (our takeaway option), mid-week lunches and much more.

Obviously, Christmas is around the corner, so we are also looking at creating special Christmas events for local business. Let’s face it, the last 6 months have been very difficult for not only employees but also employers. They have done a fantastic job keeping their business active during the pandemic. We feel everyone needs to be congratulated and where better than at the Home of Feast.

Thank you to Mayor Sally-Ann Holland for taking time out of your busy day to visit us.